Monday, September 22, 2008

Didja Miss Me?

Soooo anyone checking up on me may have known I have had a brief absence from the world wide web until today. So yes! finally I am back. If you didn't know here in Ohio it was a pretty bad wind storm last Sunday and my electric was out until Wednesday. So I've been extremely bored in the dark, candles lit, telling ghost stories and jokes which actually turned out to be very fun, lol. Wow! so it's like I'm starting all over it feels so long ago since I last logged in, lol. Some updates... I'm sure every one's heard about that horrible plane crash with Travis Barker And DJ AM. RIP to those lost in the crash and I am praying both Travis and DJ AM make a full recovery. I am currently listening to Pussy Cat Dolls new album. Which I must say is nice. I'm counting down the days until it's finally time to vote! I'm also ready for Halloween! Can't wait to dress up, not sure what I'm gonna be this year,lol. Lemme know if you have any ideas. Hmmm so I'm sitting here eating my life cereal, dancing to the music in my head,lol. I just missed a phone call about a job! Crap! lol. I left a message and now I'm sitting here waiting for them to call me back. Come on Kathy!! I'm completely anxious,lol. But other than that, I've been well, need to loose some weight sheesh! lol. Oh man I'm trying to challenge myself into losing like 10 pounds before November. Let's hope I do. Ummm yea i guess that's it for now. I'm about to go update my music player, with my latest favorite jams:) Later.

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